Evangelical Christians
There is nothing that gets me more riled up than listening to SRN News in the morning. It's one of those things that makes me want to sit and write ten posts, one for each news point, when I really have more important things I should be doing. Today I jotted down some recent newslines which triggered irritation. For a news company that talks a lot about Christian values, it sure is biased and presumptuous in "proclaiming" what Christians believe or want to hear. I admit I don't have all the quotes word-for-word, but I tried to capture the basic reports:
1. There is nothing that will mobilize evangelical Christians more than standing against the election of Hillary Clinton. I thought of this juxtaposed against the recent railings from Christians against Iranian President Ahmadinejad. We say Iran is an evil place because of its suppression of women, yet Iran has had two women for Vice-President and the US has had . . . how many? The Christian hatred I hear voiced against women like Hillary Clinton or Katie Couric, CBS news anchor, reveal to me a deep-seeded mistrust of women . . . women who break the stereotypes, women who stand up for issues, women who are willing to use their leadership gifts to make a difference. I have heard Christians label Hillary as evil -- more evil than any man running for President, I wonder? I even heard someone imply Hillary should not be respected since she is obviously not submissive to her husband. What??? I wonder what President Ahmadinejad thinks of Christians who condemn him so much in this area of suppression of women? America doesn't want women in politics - yet we allow them flashing half-clad bodies on the front covers of the tabloids at all check-out counters. In what ways is that empowering women? What a Christian nation we are.
2. Tragic -- more and more Evangelical Christians are "straying" from the Republican party (85%-45% drop). You would think that we would worry more about how many are "straying" from the Church! When do we equate the Republican party with the "fold," our Christian home? Can one be Christian and support Democratic policies? Hmmm. . . .
3. We proudly announce that Evangelical Christians have contributed $10 million toward the repairs and rebuilding of bomb shelters in Israel. Wow! Is that something to be proud of? So evangelical Christians are supporting the Middle East conflict. Instead of money toward peace efforts, we support bomb shelters, acknowledging and expecting more war. No faith that peace is possible. It confirms what I heard a Christian say once, "why worry so much about the Middle East conflict? It started in Bible times and it says there will always be emnity there . . . " So evangelical Christians subscribe to the hopeless state of our Earth . . . we'd rather sit in our bunkers than work for transformation that Christ claimed is now possible through His Church?
Hmmm . . . it all makes me wonder if I really want to be labeled an Evangelical Christian.
1. There is nothing that will mobilize evangelical Christians more than standing against the election of Hillary Clinton. I thought of this juxtaposed against the recent railings from Christians against Iranian President Ahmadinejad. We say Iran is an evil place because of its suppression of women, yet Iran has had two women for Vice-President and the US has had . . . how many? The Christian hatred I hear voiced against women like Hillary Clinton or Katie Couric, CBS news anchor, reveal to me a deep-seeded mistrust of women . . . women who break the stereotypes, women who stand up for issues, women who are willing to use their leadership gifts to make a difference. I have heard Christians label Hillary as evil -- more evil than any man running for President, I wonder? I even heard someone imply Hillary should not be respected since she is obviously not submissive to her husband. What??? I wonder what President Ahmadinejad thinks of Christians who condemn him so much in this area of suppression of women? America doesn't want women in politics - yet we allow them flashing half-clad bodies on the front covers of the tabloids at all check-out counters. In what ways is that empowering women? What a Christian nation we are.
2. Tragic -- more and more Evangelical Christians are "straying" from the Republican party (85%-45% drop). You would think that we would worry more about how many are "straying" from the Church! When do we equate the Republican party with the "fold," our Christian home? Can one be Christian and support Democratic policies? Hmmm. . . .
3. We proudly announce that Evangelical Christians have contributed $10 million toward the repairs and rebuilding of bomb shelters in Israel. Wow! Is that something to be proud of? So evangelical Christians are supporting the Middle East conflict. Instead of money toward peace efforts, we support bomb shelters, acknowledging and expecting more war. No faith that peace is possible. It confirms what I heard a Christian say once, "why worry so much about the Middle East conflict? It started in Bible times and it says there will always be emnity there . . . " So evangelical Christians subscribe to the hopeless state of our Earth . . . we'd rather sit in our bunkers than work for transformation that Christ claimed is now possible through His Church?
Hmmm . . . it all makes me wonder if I really want to be labeled an Evangelical Christian.
"Hmmm . . . it all makes me wonder if I really want to be labeled an Evangelical Christian."
Something worth pondering!
I have often wondered just why the Christian right hates Hillary so much. While she is not my favorite person for president, I have never understood why she engenders sp much scorn by Christians? When she did not leave her husband for infidelity, but worked hard to salvage her marriage, Christians took her to task. I somehow thought that was what we are supposed to do, work hard at marriage...
Many people do not seem to see the difference between the Christian right and the church/kingdom of God. One might think that God is a WASP.
So what is this news source SRN? I try to stick with NPR, but a little variety might be fun once in a whle.
By Anonymous, at 7:04 PM, October 07, 2007
Oh my goodness, Leon! What kind of Christian are you??? Don't you ever listen to WDAC at the top of the hour? . . . I had better be careful since sarcasm does not usually translate well in writing. I really like listening to NPR as well :-)
And, yes, I would agree, variety is good -- that is to educate oneself on all angles.
By Gecko Girl, at 11:02 PM, October 07, 2007
Well no I must confess that I have never listened to WDAC. I mean that literally. Other than being in someone's home how happened to have it on I have never tuned in. So maybe I will need to add that to my source of news gathering. Now that being said I do sometimes listen to FOX noise (er..ah..news) as a way of hearing multiple voices.
By Anonymous, at 11:47 AM, October 08, 2007
What's next? Are you going to question the assumption that God established the United States to be the city on the hill?
I suppose you will also question the assumption that we are the instrument of divine retribution meting out the justice of God against the evil empires of this world--one pre-emptive, intractible war at a time.
Christians aren't supposed to question the framing story of the empire--the survival of the fittest in a free-market capitalist individualism.
I thought we were supposed to consume more, so that the economy would thrive. You mean I'm supposed to think about how my consumption impacts the global ecological balance?
What next?
By Brian Miller, at 2:57 PM, October 15, 2007
. . . could there possibly be some sarcasm in those comments???? . . .
. . . or are these trick questions to corner me into further self-incrimination . . .
. . . or perhaps they are just a test of my ability to keep my mouth shut!!! :-)
By Gecko Girl, at 4:55 PM, October 15, 2007
Need you ask...
By Brian Miller, at 5:24 PM, October 15, 2007
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