The Glass Darkly

Wednesday, January 28, 2009

The Hands and Feet of Jesus in the face of Injustice

Again I ask, "how long, Lord!" How long can the injustices of oppression and exploitation continue!!! Our friend Kristen Jack and his family witnessed this on Saturday in the slums where they work and live in Phnom Penh, Cambodia. We saw the beginnings of similar behavior by the government in 2003 and 2004 before our return to the US. Shameless acts of barbarism still happen and go unchecked because of corruption, greed and tyranny. Voices cry out for justice at great risk.

This was sent out today in the most recent InfoFlow from the International Church in Phnom Penh. May the Lord bless the efforts of Christians in the the ways they reach out to this forgotten people.

Opportunity to Contribute towards the Evicted Poor of Dey Kraham, at ICF Services this Sunday

Cambodian security forces and demolition workers forcibly evicted 152 families from Dey Kraham community (a slum on the edge of the city) in the early hours of 24 January 2009, leaving the vast majority of them homeless. Some of the families were not able to retrieve belongings from their homes before the demolition. Officials from Phnom Penh municipality were present during the destruction. The Phnom Penh municipality has provided less than 30 of the 152 families with shelter (at best this means a bamboo platform with a blue tarp over it) at a designated resettlement site some 16 kilometers from the city centre. Most of the structures at the site are incomplete, and there is no clean water, no electricity, sewage or basic services. Earlier, most of the affected community rejected being resettled there because it was too far from Phnom Penh, where they work, mostly as street vendors.

This Sunday, at each ICF Sunday Service, there will be two ways that you can be the hands and feet of Jesus towards the Dey Kraham Evictees:

  1. Before each service, bring clothing items, new and used (for babies, children, and adults), and drop them off downstairs at the designated drop off spot.
  2. During each service Contribute in a special offering that will be received. The offering will be used to purchase food and other urgent items.


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