The Glass Darkly

Saturday, June 09, 2007

So what do we do with Culture?

I am reviewing in my mind the aspects of life that come under CULTURE. What is it that varies from culture to culture???

  • dress

  • food

  • visual art (painting/dance)

  • music

  • traditions

  • living arrangements

  • attitudes toward children and elders

  • views of male/female roles

  • attitudes and patterns in work and play

  • patterns of problem-solving and evaluation

  • view of the role of self and community (part and whole)

  • attitudes and practice toward learning new things (education)

  • attitudes and practice in maintaining tradition and history

What impacts do climate, religion, and nationality have on culture?

How can someone who changes their religion distinguish what cultural traditions are separate from religious practice? What do Christians do on holidays that are traditionally based on the practices of another religion?

So many questions of life . . .


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